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How much do managed IT services cost?

当您决定管理IT服务对您的业务来说是一个不错的选择,并且您正在评估不同的公司时, 你需要了解他们的月费包括什么,不包括什么. 评估托管服务提供商(MSP)的成本并不是一个苹果与苹果之间的比较, 因此,就成本而言,有问题来引导你们的谈话是必要的.

在进一步讨论之前,让我们确定托管IT服务价格的价格范围. In general, you can expect to pay between $75 and $250 per user per month 因此,您支付的费用在很大程度上取决于您组织中计算机用户的数量. That’s a pretty wide range, 所以你可以看到为什么你需要更深入地挖掘你到底得到了什么.

What’s NOT Included in MSP Monthly Fees

首先,让我们讨论一下托管IT服务的每月成本中通常不包括的内容. Even with all-inclusive managed IT services pricing model, you’ll still have some additional costs to pay for separately. They just shouldn’t be surprises that appear on your monthly invoices. 发现任何隐藏成本的时间是在你决定选择一家托管IT服务公司的评估阶段.

Onboarding Fee

当您从故障修复IT服务转向托管IT服务时, 为了支持你的IT环境和员工,托管服务提供商需要做很多前期工作, so it’s common to have an onboarding fee. This fee can be equal to what your monthly fee is going to be, 或者根据你的业务和网络的规模可能会多一点. Expect a minimum of about $2,000 for a small company for onboarding fees.

Hardware and Software

更换硬件或软件的费用不包括在您的月租费中. The MSP should help you to manage your hardware and software assets, but it will be up to you to invest when it’s needed. In fact, 在这种关系中,你的部分角色将是致力于沿着IT改进的道路前进,这将包括保持硬件和软件的更新.

IT Infrastructure Projects

同样,网络改善也不会包括在你的月费中. Again, 期望是您将承诺进行投资以改进您的技术功能. 基础设施成本将包括任何材料加上每小时的人工费用. With the guidance of a virtual Chief Information Officer (vCIO), you’ll be able to plan and budget for those improvements. (We’ll talk more about vCIO services in a bit.)

Third-Party Fees

当你与MSP合作时,你仍然需要为你的小企业所需的东西付费,比如电话和互联网服务, as well as software licensing and web services. You can ask, however, 当出现问题或需要进行更改时,MSP是否会代表您与其他技术供应商合作. There may or may not be limitations to what they’re prepared to do. 即使存在限制,您的MSP也应该能够帮助您管理供应商关系.

Related: Get the Guide to Managed IT Services

Understand What’s Included in Managed IT Services Monthly Costs

当你在讨论你将得到什么作为你月租费的一部分, you need to understand how the MSP approaches managed IT services. 您需要的是一种主动和被动服务的混合,既能防止问题,又能在问题发生时处理问题.

Help Desk Support

当你的员工要求支持时,你要确信他们会得到支持, so ask if there are any limits to front-line support services. Ask if there are a set number of hours allotted to your company. Are there extra charges for off-hours help? Are costs based on remote support only? What about on-site support? Will someone come to your facility if that’s what is needed? While you’re asking about support, 询问响应时间,以确保快速响应不意味着额外的费用.

Escalated Support

有时会有一些问题需要更多的时间和专业知识来解决, so ask if escalated support is included. If it’s not, this could be a big add-on. Additionally, in the event of a disaster or cyber-attack that takes your network down, will your issue get priority without incurring extra charges?

Proactive IT Management

A major reason to work with an MSP is to get proactive IT management. 这通常包括监视和维护以及潜在问题的识别. 了解MSP是否设置了自定义警报来监视您的环境? Additionally, get an understanding of what’s included with IT management, and when the solution to a problem might turn into an IT project, which as we discussed would not be included in your flat fee.

Related: IT Not Serving Your Business? It’s Time for Managed IT Services

Support for All Your Business Applications

托管IT服务提供商应该能够支持您的业务应用程序,包括您的主要业务线软件. 但是,如果您的应用程序非常专门化或定制化,则可能存在一些限制. MSP应该能够管理您的供应商关系,并在需要时代表您与他们沟通, taking you out of the “tech speak” conversations.

Backup Management

While costs for storage are going to be customized for every company, 根据存储的数据量和对恢复时间和点的要求, 数据备份过程的整体管理应该包含在MSP的月费中.

vCIO Consulting

能够访问虚拟首席信息官(vCIO)的服务是与托管服务提供商合作的一个巨大好处. First find out if this is included, 然后确定你们见面的频率,以及他们如何与你一起制定技术战略.

Cybersecurity Strategy and Tools

While you can expect an MSP to provide baseline cybersecurity, that may not be enough for your organization, 特别是如果您对客户或供应商的安全责任有遵从性需求或要求. 适合你的澳门赌场网址大全策略可能需要额外的费用.

确切地说,这些成本可能取决于MSP的发现过程有多详细. Additionally, 澳门赌场网址大全形势一直在发展,所以如果你的澳门赌场网址大全战略需要改变, your monthly costs will change too.

Cybersecurity Remediation

Even if you have a robust cybersecurity strategy, it’s still possible to have a cyber-attack, so find out how far the MSP will go to remediate an intruder event. There may be extra costs depending on the severity of the event, but cyber insurance may pick up the bill.

The Bottom Line for Managed IT Services Costs is Value

When it comes down to it, 与托管IT服务公司合作实际上可以为您的公司带来更多价值,因为他们的工作结果是您能够更好地利用您的技术. 当您将所有it费用和与效率低下和停机时间相关的成本加起来时,您甚至可能会发现它比您现在所做的更便宜.

Related: 3 Ways That Managed IT Services Guide You Along Your Business Journey

Ready for Cost-Effective IT?

如果你不知道你花在IT上的钱是如何帮助你的业务的, it’s time to make a change. At Bellwether, 您会发现,包罗万象的托管IT服务为企业所有者带来了您所需要的一切,将技术作为业务成功的战略驱动力.

Get in touch to explore what that might look like for your business.

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